Why use the SYMLOG method?
Using SYMLOG gives the practitioner the ability to use the same instrument to:
- assess current problems and desired future outcomes, whether for individuals, teams,
or an organization’s culture;
- assess both the inferred values and observed behavior,
- Define common problems throughout the organization and integrate solutions using
the same language for individual, team, and organization development; and,
- track progress toward development goals by using repeated measures.
These features are unique to the SYMLOG system.
It puts into the hands of organization development consultants, and human resource
practitioners, a powerful tool for systematic data collection, analysis, and feedback.
The SYMLOG system brings together key elements of numerous behavioral theories into
one concise instrument. The method provides a comprehensive way to analyze and improve
social interaction systems on the individual, group, or organizational level.
A System for the Multiple Level
Observation of Groups
Click below to hear an explanation of the meaning of the SYMLOG acronym from the
author and founder of the system, Robert F. Bales, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus (1916-2004),
Harvard University. The interview was done in 1996.