Overview/Summary of SYMLOG and Blake and Mouton Leadership Grid®
Leadership Grid (Blake & Mouton):
analysis of leadership styles along two dimensions, concern for people, and concern
for production. Five initial leadership styles have been renamed, but characteristics
describing the style remain: accommodative (country club), indifferent (impoverished),
status quo (middle-of-the-road), sound (team), dictatorial (produce or perish).
Opportunistic and paternalistic leadership styles have been added but map within
the original quadrant. This model measures within the PF quadrant nicely, but has
no way of describing behaviors that need to adopted when dealing with individuals
whose profiles, as rated by others, do not fall within the PF quadrant.
Introducing a SYMLOG analysis to your situation would allow you to behave with more
certainty, and provide suggestions on how to deal with individuals whose behavior
falls outside of the two-dimensional grid.
For a more in-depth comparison click here.