Team Scan (Team 1)
Ratings on concepts only
This workshop is appropriate for an intact team who wish to examine issues related
to the norms of the team as a whole, the way in which team members relate to one
another, and the way the team accomplishes its work.
The intention is to have the whole group examine and discuss the survey results
in a session ranging from four (4) hours to one day. Action planning or other team
issues can be raised and integrated into the session as appropriate.
Questions team members may rate:
- CTM: In general, what kinds of values does your team currently
show in behavior?
- FTM: In general, what kinds of values need to be shown by your
team in the future in order to be most effective?
- LEP: In general, what kinds of values do members of your team show
in behavior when the team is least productive?
- EFF: In general, what kinds of values would be ideal for you to
show in order to be most effective?
- EXP: In general, what kinds of values do you expect others
will rate you as showing in your behavior?
- RTM: In general, what kinds of values are members of your team
actually rewarded for showing in behavior?
- CUR: In general, what kinds of values are currently shown
in the culture of your organization?
- FUT: In general, what kinds of values need to be shown in the culture
of your organization in the future in order to be most effective?
- REW: In general, what kinds of values are members of your organization
actually rewarded for showing in behavior now?
Available Programs
- T1a: CTM, FTM, LEP, EFF (standard program)
- T1b: CTM, FTM, EFF
- T1c: CTM, FTM, EXP
- T1d: CTM, FTM
- T1e: CTM, FTM, RTM
- T1f: CTM, FTM, REW