Optimizing Team Performance (Team 2)
Ratings on people and/or concepts and people
This workshop is an intensive session for an intact team wishing to examine not
only team issues, but also receive personal feedback from their co-workers on their
perceived interpersonal effectiveness. The focus is on one’s own perceptions, an
examination of the norms of the team as a whole, and each individual's contribution
to the overall effectiveness of the team.
The survey results are intended for examination and discussion in a teambuilding
session with all members of an intact team present. Two to three days should be
allowed together, preferably away from the work site.
Questions team members may rate:
- CTM: In general, what kinds of values does your team currently
show in behavior?
- FTM: In general, what kinds of values need to be shown by your
team in the future in order to be most effective?
- LEP: In general, what kinds of values do members of your team show
in behavior when the team is least productive?
- EFF: In general, what kinds of values would be ideal for you to
show in order to be most effective?
- WSH: In general, what kinds of values do you wish to show
in your own behavior, whether or not you are actually able to do so?
- REJ: In general, what kinds of values do you tend to reject,
either in yourself or in others?
- EXP: In general, what kinds of values do you expect others
will rate you as showing in your behavior?
- * = In general, what kinds of values does this person show in behavior?
(for each team member including self (YOU) – denoted as * in program selections)
- RTM: In general, what kinds of values are members of your team
actually rewarded for showing in behavior?
- CUR: In general, what kinds of values are currently shown
in the culture of your organization?
- FUT: In general, what kinds of values need to be shown in the culture
of your organization in the future in order to be most effective?
Available Programs
- T2a: CTM, FTM, LEP, EFF, WSH, REJ, EXP, * (standard program)
- T2b: CTM, FTM, *
- T2c: CTM, FTM, WSH, REJ, EXP, *
- T2d: WSH, REJ, EXP, *
- T2e: *
- T2f: CTM, FTM, CUR, FUT, *
- T2g: CTM, FTM, RTM, *
- T2h: CTM, FTM, LEP, EFF, *