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The SYMLOG Interactive Display Tool (IDT) is the latest innovative breakthrough offered by the SYMLOG Consulting Group. This Internet-based technology is specifically designed to vastly simplify and greatly enhance professional presentations by Certified SYMLOG Consultants.

The IDT is used primarily as an aid in data-handback to groups and one-on-one coaching. What makes the IDT so powerful is its unique capacity to demonstrate the dynamic relationship between bargraphs and SYMLOG field diagrams.

Available via the web, the IDT gives Certified SYMLOG Consultants the freedom to access their displays anywhere and anytime they have an internet connection.

With its simple and intuitive interface, it doesn't take long to learn how to use the IDT and begin unlocking its power for illustrating and demonstrating SYMLOG theory and results to participants and potential clients.

Who should use the IDT?

Here are just a few people who could benefit from using the IDT:

  • Professionals who market their services - Use this portable sales tool for demonstrating competence and gaining contracts.
  • Personal coaches - None should be without it. There is no better way to show a client the positive effect of new behavior.
  • Any practitioner conducting teambuilding - This tool is a powerful method to demonstrate the consequences of planned change.
  • Teachers of group dynamics - Why use linear models to explain dynamic processes? Use vital interactive case studies instead.
  • OD practitioners - Easily show how small, yet highly strategic improvements, bring exponentially positive performance results.

What can I do with the IDT?

You can do many things with the IDT. Here are just a few examples:

  • Show the interaction betweeen the bargraph and the field diagram in real time
  • Give immediate visual feedback on how changes to just a few of the 26 Value items can bring about a big change in position
  • Use case studies to help demonstrate SYMLOG to potential clients
  • Easily create double bargraphs comparing any two images to highlight the similarities and differences

The IDT also allows you to:

  • Show the field diagram with various overlays, such as the VOO (Value Oriented Overlay) and the mep Effectiveness Domain (Sheepdog Lake)
  • Highlight the mep location
  • Turn the image/item tags on or off
  • Display the bargraph e-line, and ranges
  • Use a rotating overlay to highlight potential polarizations, scapegoats, and mediators
  • Display the Hypothetical Estimate of Alignment score to help individuals and groups focus on the areas where changes might be made and have the most significant positive impact

These are just a sampling of the options available to you to customize your display.

Here are a few more ideas of things you can do with the IDT:

  • Display your success stories - We will help you create your own personalized case studies
  • Prepare publication and marketing materials - Suitable for any electronic or print medium
  • Quickly produce executive summaries - Give targeted feedback to clients
  • Convincingly illustrate the dynamics of the situation - You're no longer limited to old fashioned static presentations

Watch a demo of the IDT!
IDT Demo Movie
Click here if the embedded player does not work

How do I obtain access to the IDT?

It is very easy to begin using the IDT. The first step is to contact SYMLOG Consulting Group (SCG). Then, after completing payment and taking a short online training course with Bob Koenigs, SCG will send you your personal access code, and you will be ready to begin using the IDT!

Access to the IDT requires a nominal annual subscription which gives you access to all your packages (for one year from date of processing) and full access to the case studies offered by SCG for no additional fee.

Please contact SCG for pricing information, or any questions you may have.

SYMLOG Consulting Group
12540 Oaks North Drive, Suite H
San Diego, CA 92128
(858) 673-2098
[email protected]

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SYMLOG vs. other models
  • SYMLOG and KAI
  • SYMLOG and McClelland-Social Motives
  • SYMLOG and Blake and Mouton Leadership Grid
  • SYMLOG and DiSC
  • SYMLOG and Belbin
  • SYMLOG and Situational Leadership
  • Self Assessments
  • Leadership Development
  • Teamwork Development
  • Organizational Development
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  • Interactive Display Tool (IDT)
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